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  • Sam Purdon

Meet Matt Testoni

What’s your name and job title?

Matt Testoni, Podcaster, Underwater Photographer and Marine Scientist

What does your role entail and why is it important for oceans and coastlines?

I do lots of different things when it comes to the coast, from surveying fish stocks, to creating educational games, taking underwater photos and also running the SEACREATURES PODCAST.

All these things come together to help educate and inform everyone who experiences the coastline. As I believe the best way to help the ocean is to get people understanding the ocean.

What advice would you give someone wanting to start a career like yours?

It sounds corny, but follow your passion and remember that we all need to work together and collaborate to help our coasts and oceans.

What skills are important for your job?

For the podcast, it's important to listen. When I record I like to try and act as a way for others to tell their stories. It's important that the podcast isn't about me, I'm just there to help get the story out.

What do you enjoy most about your work? And what do you dislike?

I love talking to different people about all the amazing animals that live in the ocean.

I hate editing the podcast and listening to my voice over and over again haha.

Where can people learn more about you?





Sincere thanks to Matt for taking the time to answer my questions.

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